Mike Strobel of the Toronto Sun had online article about Suzanne Somers' recent facial changes. From there he drifted off into general commentary about cosmetic surgery using a line I think I will use from time to time.
I read numerous print and online articles and forums. Rarely mentioned in the print media but brought up very often, especially in the past four or five years, is the physical appearance of politicians and anyone in the public eye. Forums in particular can become very nasty talking about a politician's ears, nose, belly, tan, etc.
I guess some of it is a result of the appearance editorial cartoonists have always used to exaggerate politicians' physical features. I've noticed a trend of judging public political hopefuls by their appearance has grown stronger in recent years.
Are Hollywood guidelines for a successful movie being used to determine who our political leaders will be? Must the male be tall blue-eyed tanned and muscular specimen with gleaming even teeth? Should the female be a Charlie's Angel double?
I think I may have an opportunity to make frequent use of Mike Strobel's comment: "America is built on freedoms - of speech, religion, press, assembly, AK-47s and your face."
Maybe 'to be rude' should be there too.
"America is built on freedoms - of speech, religion, press, assembly, AK-47s and your face."---Mike Strobel
When all is said and done there is nothing left to say or do.
Today is as good as it gets, and our tomorrows won't be any better
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"The trouble with Republicans is that when they get into trouble they start acting like cannibals"-Richard Nixon
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.~ John Lennon
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