Beginning with the endless attacks on President Clinton during his administration I now realize I was killing myself. That was the start of my paying attention to the intricate details of what we call politics in this country. It was as if someone had given me a taste of a gateway drug. I was on my way to endless hours of trying to keep up with it all.
I should have realized the error of my ways when I started receiving the flood of emails requests for donations/contributions from some character that wanted to take the Clintons to court for their drug dealing, assassinations and other cover up crimes against everything. According to a number of these kind of people the Clintons were the antithesis of the Devil reincarnate.
There I was spending hour upon hour reading anything I could dig up and searching every nook and cranny of the internet. I was hooked.
Then the Bush II administration was "injected into the vein of my left arm." WMD, Iraqi oil would pay for the war, Saddam was out to take over the world and he was gonna kill my daddy. Oh the horror!
The destruction of the twin towers turned into the manure to grow even bigger conspiracy theories that continue to destroy careers to this day.
Then a moose hunting, family values spouting female with a daughter preggers with an illegitimate child burst out of nowhere wanting to be my vice president. She was THE CHOICE because she was governor of a state with oil (drill baby drill) and experience governing a population smaller than the city of New York.
The end began to unravel for me with the election of the first black man to be president of this nation. The conspirators multiplied hitting me from every angle. He has the mark of the devil, the Bible has hidden messages that this is the one that will destroy the world, etc. And then there are The Birthers and those who see evil in his wife baring her arms.
All during this time the "drug pushers; supplier" FOX "news" grew feeding all fears of everything hidden in the shadows. They piped the tune the non-understanding public wanted to hear. I sincerely believe the Australian owner of the FOX empire is trying to see if he can bring about the destruction of civil government in our country.
I woke up to yank out the "needles in my arm" when I got into an almost heated discussion in a forum with a hardliner FOX 'news' junkie. A minor government official followed an old directive to remove a flag from something or other and the FOX believer claimed the person was following the directive of the yet-to-be-sworn-in president.
I smashed the "needles" and dumped the "powders" when parents pulled their children out of school because the evil man was going to urge their children to stay in school and become successful. Meanwhile in Texas one school system that banished the President's speech is busing all their students to the Dallas Cowboys stadium to hear a speech by Bush II (who failed as a sports team owner, failed in the oil business, has a yet to be explained absence from the NG during the Vietnam war and has a brother who was deeper than anybody into the savings and loan bank failure years ago. And in Ohio another school system is busing their students to participate in one of those Tea-baggy protests.
I'm done. I deleted all the 24/7 news channels from my TVs and read only the local news, comics and sports. No more participating in political discussion.
Friends do not discuss politics nor religion and remain friends
Now to fight STRESS.
Big little stressor No. 6: Morons
One guy summed up the problem in two words: "stupid people." Simply living your life means dealing with inconsiderate people, crappy service and the general cloggers of society's arteries. Remember, Miller says, you can't influence them: "You see that these people aren't making the best decisions and think you can do better. As a result, you feel less in control, and that's a serious hidden stressor."
Defuse it: Don't become embroiled in the morons' messes. "I experience their nonsense every single day," says business consultant Larry Winget, host of A&E's Big Spender and the author of People Are Idiots and I Can Prove It. "Two things tend to bring me comfort. First, knowing that sometimes I'm an idiot, too. I also remind myself of a quote I heard many years ago: 'When you give someone a piece of your mind, you've given up your peace of mind.' If you try to influence them, you give them control over you. I've driven myself crazy trying to fix people I know cannot be fixed, and don't want to be fixed. Now, I refuse to do that. It's more fun if I just find them entertaining."