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"America is built on freedoms - of speech, religion, press, assembly, AK-47s and your face."---Mike Strobel
When all is said and done there is nothing left to say or do.
Today is as good as it gets, and our tomorrows won't be any better
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, EPA, FBI, DEA, CDC, or FDIC. These statements are not intended to diagnose, cause, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you feel you have been harmed/offended by, or, disagree with any of the above statements or images, please feel free to leave.
"The trouble with Republicans is that when they get into trouble they start acting like cannibals"-Richard Nixon
Identifying Kenmore Products Made For Sears By Whirlpool
(Revised and reposted September 20, 2010) Today I received a notice from Google (the owners of Blogspot) they received a notice that I am in violation of some copyright law "that certain content in your blog is alleged to infringe upon the copyrights of others." As a result they removed the original post.
Therefore I am altering the content to remove the portions from the site that gave detailed information for all the lines made for Sears.
As a former service technician employee of Sears I am familiar with the model numbers of the Kenmore branded items so when I go to purchase a Whirlpool product I know what to look for.
This posting was brought on by a recent trip to a Sears store in a semi-rural area. Those stores are almost always appliance and yard tool stores. I wanted to purchase a replacement clothes dryer with the Kenmore brand that is made by Whirlpool. The clerk told me all the Kenmore products were made by Whirlpool. That is false.
Sears does not manufacture any appliances but has the manufacturers brand some of their lines as Kenmore to be sold by Sears. So unless you are aware of each manufactures' product line as most good appliance service technicians would be you would have to rely the part-time or unknowledgeable employee in the store to get you what you want.
When I went to purchase a replacement clothes dryer at the local Sears outlet the clerk told me all Sears Kenmore products were made by Whirlpool. I looked a few and easily recognized the Maytag (made by Whirlpool today) and GE lines. By the way GE clothes dryers have their lint filter located looking down as you open the door along the bottom edge of the opening you will see a handle that you pull straight up. Then I saw what I wanted. A few dryers with the handle of the pull out lint filter located on the top flat surface of the dryer at the back right hand corner. I checked the model number to verify in my mind that I was going to get what I came there to purchase. Once I was satisfied I asked the clerk to write it up and load it onto my truck.
The model numbers for Whirlpool are 106, 110, 154 and 198. Those numbers will be identified as the model number and appear like this:
Model 110.1234456 The 110 indicating the source, Whirlpool in this case, and then following the period the rest of the model number indicating the particular model and manufacturing information needed to order parts when needed.
I can't go into any further specifics for more brands because I might violate the complainer's copyright. But maybe this partial bit of information is enough to help direct people wanting Kenmore branded Whirlpool products to what they want.
So even though I provided a link to their web site for people to get more assistance they still complained. So I have removed their information and removed the link to their web site.
Therefore I am altering the content to remove the portions from the site that gave detailed information for all the lines made for Sears.
As a former service technician employee of Sears I am familiar with the model numbers of the Kenmore branded items so when I go to purchase a Whirlpool product I know what to look for.
This posting was brought on by a recent trip to a Sears store in a semi-rural area. Those stores are almost always appliance and yard tool stores. I wanted to purchase a replacement clothes dryer with the Kenmore brand that is made by Whirlpool. The clerk told me all the Kenmore products were made by Whirlpool. That is false.
Sears does not manufacture any appliances but has the manufacturers brand some of their lines as Kenmore to be sold by Sears. So unless you are aware of each manufactures' product line as most good appliance service technicians would be you would have to rely the part-time or unknowledgeable employee in the store to get you what you want.
When I went to purchase a replacement clothes dryer at the local Sears outlet the clerk told me all Sears Kenmore products were made by Whirlpool. I looked a few and easily recognized the Maytag (made by Whirlpool today) and GE lines. By the way GE clothes dryers have their lint filter located looking down as you open the door along the bottom edge of the opening you will see a handle that you pull straight up. Then I saw what I wanted. A few dryers with the handle of the pull out lint filter located on the top flat surface of the dryer at the back right hand corner. I checked the model number to verify in my mind that I was going to get what I came there to purchase. Once I was satisfied I asked the clerk to write it up and load it onto my truck.
The model numbers for Whirlpool are 106, 110, 154 and 198. Those numbers will be identified as the model number and appear like this:
Model 110.1234456 The 110 indicating the source, Whirlpool in this case, and then following the period the rest of the model number indicating the particular model and manufacturing information needed to order parts when needed.
I can't go into any further specifics for more brands because I might violate the complainer's copyright. But maybe this partial bit of information is enough to help direct people wanting Kenmore branded Whirlpool products to what they want.
So even though I provided a link to their web site for people to get more assistance they still complained. So I have removed their information and removed the link to their web site.
David Rowan Of Wired Magazine: Six Reasons Why I’m Not On Facebook
First some personal observations: Having used the Internet since before what most know the Internet as today (Usenet) like back even before the phone in the cradle of a 14.4k dial up modem I've witnessed a number of social sites come and go. To date I've only jumped in on two to any extent although I tried out at least two others. I read a few but do not engage myself in any that require any verified information about me. Yes I do have a facebook account linked to my junk email account with a phony ID in the profile just to access facebook to read a few sites that require a facebook login.
It's like this Blog. If you think my name is Becker guess again. It is a 'handle' or phone ID if you will. It does identify me somewhat. I picked the Becker moniker from the title character of a TV program. The character was always for the common man and objecting to certain political ideology...and pinching pennies so that fit me in several ways.
Growing up watching the information age develop I became aware very early on the problem of too much personal information being out there that anybody could access. I was called to the top office a couple times some twenty or more years ago because I would not put my social security number on a form. I told them they had my number on file from back when they hired me and since the paperwork was going to the central office they could add it in over there. I was not about to let every Tom, Sally and Latishiana see my number. It got to where I would not even put my phone number or birthday on paperwork they wanted. Before I took early retirement it seemed like there were more and more requests like that with more refusals on my part.
I must have been a pioneer with that attitude because they say such requests are few these days. One of the final gotchas they tried to sneak by was a serial numbered form requesting our unbiased personal opinion on number of procedures we used. It turned out the serial number from each form was recorded as to who received it. That way they would know who were the disgruntled employees.
(Underlines, blacked out letters and color added by me)
1) Private companies aren’t motivated by your best interests
Facebook and Google exist to make money, by selling advertisers the means to target you with ever greater precision. That explains the endless series of “privacy” headlines, as these unregulated businesses push boundaries to make it easier for paying third parties to access your likes, interests, photos, social connections and purchasing intentions. That’s why Facebook has made it harder for users to understand exactly what they’re giving away — why, for instance, its privacy policy has grown from 1,004 words in 2005 to 5,830 words today (by comparison, as the New York Times has pointed out, the U.S. Constitution is 4,543). Founder Mark Zuckerberg once joked dismissively about the “dumb f***s” who “trust me”. I admire the business Zuckerberg’s built; but I don’t trust him.
2) They make it harder to reinvent yourself
“When you’re young, you make mistakes and you do some stupid stuff,” President Obama warned high-school students in Virginia last September. “Be careful about what you post on Facebook, because in the YouTube age whatever you do will be pulled up later somewhere in your life.” He’s right: anything posted online might come to haunt you permanently, yet all of us need space to grow. As the writer Jaron Lanier said in a recent lecture, if Robert Zimmerman, of small-town Hibbing, Minnesota, had had a Facebook profile, could he really have re-created himself as the New York beatnik Bob Dylan
3) Information you supply for one purpose will invariably be used for another …
Phone up to buy a pizza, and the order-taker’s computer gives her access to your voting record, employment history, library loans — all “just wired into the system” for your convenience. She’ll suggest a tofu pizza as she knows about your 42-inch waist, she’ll add a delivery surcharge because a nearby robbery yesterday puts you in “an orange zone” — and she’ll be on her guard because you’ve checked out the library book Dealing With Depression. This is where the American Council for Civil Liberties sees consumerism going — watch its pizza video online — and it’s not to hard to believe. Already surveys suggest that 35 percent of firms are rejecting applicants because of information found on social networks. What makes you think you can control what happens to your personal data?
4) … and there’s a good chance it will be used against you
Mark Zuckerberg would like to suggest that, in an ever more transparent world, “you have one identity — the days of you having a different image for your work friends or co-workers and for the other people you know are probably coming to an end pretty quickly.” That suits his purpose — but in our multi-layered lives it’s just not true. A vindictive ex-partner, or a workplace rival, or a health insurer, or a political opponent, may selectively expose information to your detriment – powerfully re-framing your identity in a way you would consider dishonest.
5) People screw up, and give away more than they realise
To understand how much personal information Facebook users are inadvertently sharing, visit and search for phrases such as “cheated on my wife” or “my new mobile number is” or “feeling horny“. I’ll bet that most of the people whose intimate details you’ll get to read are unaware that their updates are being shared quite so openly. Have they genuinely given Zuckerberg their informed consent?
6) And besides, why should we let businesses privatize our social discourse?
Some day you should take time to read those 5,830 words: it’s Facebook that owns the rights to do as it pleases with your data, and to sell access to it to whoever is willing to pay. Yes, it’s free to join — but with half a billion of us now using it to connect, it’s worth asking ourselves how far this “social utility” (its own term) is really acting in the best interests of society.
Don’t take my word, Matt — young internet users themselves are increasingly wary of the social networks’ use of their private data. A recent study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project — a decent sample of some 2,253 Americans — found that 44 percent of Generation Y (aged 18 to 29) now limit their online personal information, compared with 33 percent of internet users between ages 30 to 49. And three-quarters of younger social-networkers have adjusted their privacy settings to limit what they share.
Call me uncool — but that’s a trend I’m happy to share with my friends. In person.
David Rowan is the editor of Wired UK magazine.
The bottom of the page at the link has a number of links giving more detailed information
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It's like this Blog. If you think my name is Becker guess again. It is a 'handle' or phone ID if you will. It does identify me somewhat. I picked the Becker moniker from the title character of a TV program. The character was always for the common man and objecting to certain political ideology...and pinching pennies so that fit me in several ways.
Growing up watching the information age develop I became aware very early on the problem of too much personal information being out there that anybody could access. I was called to the top office a couple times some twenty or more years ago because I would not put my social security number on a form. I told them they had my number on file from back when they hired me and since the paperwork was going to the central office they could add it in over there. I was not about to let every Tom, Sally and Latishiana see my number. It got to where I would not even put my phone number or birthday on paperwork they wanted. Before I took early retirement it seemed like there were more and more requests like that with more refusals on my part.
I must have been a pioneer with that attitude because they say such requests are few these days. One of the final gotchas they tried to sneak by was a serial numbered form requesting our unbiased personal opinion on number of procedures we used. It turned out the serial number from each form was recorded as to who received it. That way they would know who were the disgruntled employees.
(Underlines, blacked out letters and color added by me)
1) Private companies aren’t motivated by your best interests
Facebook and Google exist to make money, by selling advertisers the means to target you with ever greater precision. That explains the endless series of “privacy” headlines, as these unregulated businesses push boundaries to make it easier for paying third parties to access your likes, interests, photos, social connections and purchasing intentions. That’s why Facebook has made it harder for users to understand exactly what they’re giving away — why, for instance, its privacy policy has grown from 1,004 words in 2005 to 5,830 words today (by comparison, as the New York Times has pointed out, the U.S. Constitution is 4,543). Founder Mark Zuckerberg once joked dismissively about the “dumb f***s” who “trust me”. I admire the business Zuckerberg’s built; but I don’t trust him.
2) They make it harder to reinvent yourself
“When you’re young, you make mistakes and you do some stupid stuff,” President Obama warned high-school students in Virginia last September. “Be careful about what you post on Facebook, because in the YouTube age whatever you do will be pulled up later somewhere in your life.” He’s right: anything posted online might come to haunt you permanently, yet all of us need space to grow. As the writer Jaron Lanier said in a recent lecture, if Robert Zimmerman, of small-town Hibbing, Minnesota, had had a Facebook profile, could he really have re-created himself as the New York beatnik Bob Dylan
3) Information you supply for one purpose will invariably be used for another …
Phone up to buy a pizza, and the order-taker’s computer gives her access to your voting record, employment history, library loans — all “just wired into the system” for your convenience. She’ll suggest a tofu pizza as she knows about your 42-inch waist, she’ll add a delivery surcharge because a nearby robbery yesterday puts you in “an orange zone” — and she’ll be on her guard because you’ve checked out the library book Dealing With Depression. This is where the American Council for Civil Liberties sees consumerism going — watch its pizza video online — and it’s not to hard to believe. Already surveys suggest that 35 percent of firms are rejecting applicants because of information found on social networks. What makes you think you can control what happens to your personal data?
4) … and there’s a good chance it will be used against you
Mark Zuckerberg would like to suggest that, in an ever more transparent world, “you have one identity — the days of you having a different image for your work friends or co-workers and for the other people you know are probably coming to an end pretty quickly.” That suits his purpose — but in our multi-layered lives it’s just not true. A vindictive ex-partner, or a workplace rival, or a health insurer, or a political opponent, may selectively expose information to your detriment – powerfully re-framing your identity in a way you would consider dishonest.
5) People screw up, and give away more than they realise
To understand how much personal information Facebook users are inadvertently sharing, visit and search for phrases such as “cheated on my wife” or “my new mobile number is” or “feeling horny“. I’ll bet that most of the people whose intimate details you’ll get to read are unaware that their updates are being shared quite so openly. Have they genuinely given Zuckerberg their informed consent?
6) And besides, why should we let businesses privatize our social discourse?
Some day you should take time to read those 5,830 words: it’s Facebook that owns the rights to do as it pleases with your data, and to sell access to it to whoever is willing to pay. Yes, it’s free to join — but with half a billion of us now using it to connect, it’s worth asking ourselves how far this “social utility” (its own term) is really acting in the best interests of society.
Don’t take my word, Matt — young internet users themselves are increasingly wary of the social networks’ use of their private data. A recent study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project — a decent sample of some 2,253 Americans — found that 44 percent of Generation Y (aged 18 to 29) now limit their online personal information, compared with 33 percent of internet users between ages 30 to 49. And three-quarters of younger social-networkers have adjusted their privacy settings to limit what they share.
Call me uncool — but that’s a trend I’m happy to share with my friends. In person.
David Rowan is the editor of Wired UK magazine.
The bottom of the page at the link has a number of links giving more detailed information
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Atomic Bomb Proof School Desk
I plan on hitting the flea markets in the area to see if I can get a few of these old school desks. The way I figure it is if the government (which happened to be during the Republican administration during the mid fifties) had the schools teach us to get under the desks to protect ourselves from atomic bomb blasts and radiation. If I cover my house with the wood from those desks I would be protected from most anything.
Oh it also was a republican administration that had us stocking up on duct tape and plastic so we could seal our house up in the event of a poison gas/Ricin attack during the year or two after 9/11. And then there was the color code threat level. It might still be around. And now we also have the stupidendous TSA at the airports.
I sat in desks just like that all through school. I think I even remember some in college classrooms in the 80s and 90s.
The ink well disappeared sometime a couple years after the ballpoint pen came into common use. I understand now they no longer teach kids how to write in courtesy(?) or longhand...whatever the term is. The military forced me to write in all caps because of my job and I have never been able to break that habit. Later my work involved me signing my name hundreds of times a day. That evolved into some unreadable wiggle that even I can't read. Imagine my mother reading me the riot act one time because I sent her a typewritten letter. What would she have to say today what with emails, Facebook, cellphone shorthand, Twitter and such?
I guess I'm speaking a foreign language talking about typewritten and mentioning inkwells.
Oh it also was a republican administration that had us stocking up on duct tape and plastic so we could seal our house up in the event of a poison gas/Ricin attack during the year or two after 9/11. And then there was the color code threat level. It might still be around. And now we also have the stupidendous TSA at the airports.
I sat in desks just like that all through school. I think I even remember some in college classrooms in the 80s and 90s.
The ink well disappeared sometime a couple years after the ballpoint pen came into common use. I understand now they no longer teach kids how to write in courtesy(?) or longhand...whatever the term is. The military forced me to write in all caps because of my job and I have never been able to break that habit. Later my work involved me signing my name hundreds of times a day. That evolved into some unreadable wiggle that even I can't read. Imagine my mother reading me the riot act one time because I sent her a typewritten letter. What would she have to say today what with emails, Facebook, cellphone shorthand, Twitter and such?
I guess I'm speaking a foreign language talking about typewritten and mentioning inkwells.
Fallout Shelter
If you know what this means and you knew where one was near your home or work then you are also probably familiar with the Atom Bomb proof school desk.
It also tells your age.
It also tells your age.
Colorful Optical Illusion
Click on the image below to isolate it and have it be larger and in motion.
Watch as the dots "travel" around.
After a bit the pink dot will be green as it goes around.
But - if you move your eyes to follow the moving dot it will remain pink.
Watch as the dots "travel" around.
After a bit the pink dot will be green as it goes around.
But - if you move your eyes to follow the moving dot it will remain pink.
Electrified Nipples
Teen whose heart stopped after attaching electrified clamp to his nipple sues teacher, school
The family of a teen whose heart stopped after clamping an electrical cord to his nipple in shop class is suing the school and the teacher, saying the boy suffered brain damage.
Last March, Kyle Dubois, 18, put an alligator clamp on one of his nipples, with a classmate placing the clamp on his other nipple, while a third classmate plugged the cord into the wall.
For three seconds, Dubois endured the electrical shock, dropping him to the floor and stopping his heart, the New Hampshire Union Leader reported.
The teacher, Thomas Kelley, said he was talking with another student when Dubois shocked himself.
"I was talking up my fantasy baseball team with one student and the next thing I know there was a commotion," Kelley said. "I look and I hear an ‘Ouch.' I look and there's Kyle going to the ground."
Dubois parents say Kelley failed to warn the class about the dangers of playing with the electrical cords.
The family of a teen whose heart stopped after clamping an electrical cord to his nipple in shop class is suing the school and the teacher, saying the boy suffered brain damage.
Last March, Kyle Dubois, 18, put an alligator clamp on one of his nipples, with a classmate placing the clamp on his other nipple, while a third classmate plugged the cord into the wall.
For three seconds, Dubois endured the electrical shock, dropping him to the floor and stopping his heart, the New Hampshire Union Leader reported.
The teacher, Thomas Kelley, said he was talking with another student when Dubois shocked himself.
"I was talking up my fantasy baseball team with one student and the next thing I know there was a commotion," Kelley said. "I look and I hear an ‘Ouch.' I look and there's Kyle going to the ground."
Dubois parents say Kelley failed to warn the class about the dangers of playing with the electrical cords.
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When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.~ John Lennon