"America is built on freedoms - of speech, religion, press, assembly, AK-47s and your face."---Mike Strobel

When all is said and done there is nothing left to say or do.
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Today is as good as it gets, and our tomorrows won't be any better
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"The trouble with Republicans is that when they get into trouble they start acting like cannibals"-Richard Nixon

Over the bridge and through the woods to Thanksgiving dinner

With most of the relatives living in the area but scattered most of us do not have the room to have everyone in the same room for Thanksgiving Dinner. So that leaves us with little choice but to be "hosted" by the one who has the space. An attempt was put forth to beg off which results in their feelings being hurt in the process.

The problem is the distance involves three elderly couples having to drive forty five minutes one way and then back in the dark on winding narrow two lane roads through countryside loaded with deer not to mention tipsy driver guiding speeding cars. They will have us scattered in a basement game room at converted pool table, air hockey and other game tables with a TV set blaring the football game and the kids playing the pinball machines, air hockey and foosball (not sure of the spelling at that at all). At least two of the kids will be running around with dripping noses and coughing all over the food with no attempt whatsoever to cover their mouths, one in the bathroom, with the door wide open, upchucking all over the sink, floor and commode. Of course all of this is always at full volume including crosstalking from one end of the huge room to the other.

The male host just happens to be a state health inspector. The food served will be a turkey previously shredded and displayed buffet style on a high counter with the flow of people ending against a wall and having to squeeze past the entire line to go seek a suitable eating place...like on an air hockey table. Not one item, including the giblet gravy, will be anything beyond room temperature.

Cutting it short here. Two hours later with the food still on the counter everyone will be encouraged to take plates of food home for thirds for their lunch tomorrow. Yeah sure. (Remember the kids were running around barfing, coughing, sneezing and all the whole time) I'll tell my wife that I had had enough to last me until next year and we will leave without any of the remains. On Friday I will cook a small turkey dinner while the wife is out with the female clan enjoying the Black Friday shopping endurance race.

Sometimes I almost would rather be out there trying to drive in the shopping traffic getting a sharp stick stuck in my eyes every couple minutes rather than endure the gatherings of the entire clan.

Pictures from last year's family Thanksgiving dinner

Everybody seated for dinner

Relative sincerely asking about my health

Watching the clan enjoying dinner

The grand daughter's date

Grandma carrying leftovers home

The notes for what the grand kids want for Christmas

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When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.~ John Lennon
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