"America is built on freedoms - of speech, religion, press, assembly, AK-47s and your face."---Mike Strobel

When all is said and done there is nothing left to say or do.
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Today is as good as it gets, and our tomorrows won't be any better
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"The trouble with Republicans is that when they get into trouble they start acting like cannibals"-Richard Nixon

Me and God

People used to ask me where I went to church. I would tell them I did not go to a physical church building very often but may have been closer to God than most people in a church.

I was a church going person until the nonsense, like war, overtook me. I became numb to everything for a long time. I was drowning in the idiocy of the world; sick at every turn. A doctor told me to find something to do each day that would relax me such as taking a 30 minute nap...lie down for 30 minutes even if I did not sleep.

One late afternoon after working in the garden tilling the rows and planting seed as I put to tools away I saw my old fishing rod in the corner of the shed. The evening meal was not ready so I decided to walk over the hill to the lake and cast the lure out to make ripples if anything.

I discovered Peace. I found God all over again or more truthfully found him for the first time. From that day on I "fished" every day that ended in 'Y'. I got closer to God there than in a church.

I came across this photo on Flckr and all that came back and had to share it.

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When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.~ John Lennon
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